Smart marketers and leading brands both big and small know that content is at the core of every social conversation with prospects, current customers, online community members and more. It is content that delivers value, context and inspires the reader, viewer or listener to open, click, read, listen, share and even buy from you.
25 Helpful Content Marketing Ideas to Be the Hero of Your Dream Customer
If you really want to connect with your target and ideal customer in a real, human, meaningful and memorable way, you need to help them. You need to consider producing content that actually helps them solve problems. Content that helps your audience be better, perform better and achieve more in their life brings your content true meaning to their business, heart and sometimes even soul.
2017 Content Marketing Editorial Calendar Template – Free Download and Podcast)
Download this free 2017 content marketing editorial calendar template and use the podcast tutorial to organize and structure your content marketing for success. Learn step by step directions for how to create your own content marketing editorial calendar and plan for 2017.
10 Ways Small Business Can Use Facebook Live
Facebook Live video streaming enables brands and businesses of all sizes to tap into the power of video marketing, social media. It enables even the small businesses to increase brand awareness, build community, nurture relationships, conduct customer research and increase leads and sales!
Rethink Your Blog Strategy: How to Write Epic Blog Posts
Your blog should be a living, breathing representation of who you are, and what you have to offer. Your blog should not be a copycat version of the rest of the blogosphere.
Instagram Stories vs Snapchat Stories – What You Need to Know for Business
Instagram recently announced a new feature called Instagram Stories that looks, smells, feels and behaves a LOT like SnapChat! The new Stories features empowers users to share their favorite moments in 10 second increments of video and photos into a story that gets compiled and stored right within their Instagram profile.
Future of Social Media Report with Jason Keath CEO of Social Fresh
In the online world, keeping up with trends can be a challenge. Not only do you have to keep your current platforms and content performing, you must also be ready to embrace the changes to come. The only one guarantee we have in the social and digital world is change. Get use to it.
Blogging for Business: 10 Foundational Requirements for Success
It’s probably not news to you that blogging is an incredible way to build your business and your brand. As tempting as it may be, building your business on rented land such as Facebook is quite risky. The only guarantee we have today with the social networks and digital marketing is change.
Mastering the skills and knowing how to build and utilize an integrated social and digital platform inclusive of a quality blog will help separate any marketer and business from the crowd of status quo.
Facebook Advertising Policies in a Nutshell
Take a listen to learn clear explanation of the Facebook advertising policies including highlights of the Facebook advertising policies, prohibited content, restricted content, video advertising, entertainment and related restrictions, positioning guidelines including relevancy, accuracy and landing pages, guidelines for lead advertising, use of the Facebook brand assets, data use restriction and more.
Facebook Advertising: Difference Between Facebook Boosted Post and Other Facebook Advertising
Would you like to achieve more ROI from your Facebook advertising and boosted posts? Do you see that cute little Facebook “boost post” button but don’t really know how to optimize it? If you answer yes to this question then you have arrived at the right place.
Facebook Advertising: 5 Things You Must do Before Spending a Dime
Facebook advertising seems to be one of those things that “every marketer is talking about it, but very few actually know how to drive real business results.”
Our agency, Marketing Nutz works with brands big and small to help them drive a positive ROI with every dollar spent on digital, social media and marketing overall. We train and speak all over the world and one of the top questions I always hear is… “does Facebook marketing actually work?” Then, the next question I hear is…”why doesn’t Facebook advertising work for me and my business… I have tried it numerous times and finally just gave up.”
8 Foundations to Building an Emotional Brand
Every smart and savvy marketing and business leader knows the power of branding. They also know that a brand is much deeper than a logo, pretty colors or a tagline.
The best marketers know that emotional branding is the secret sauce to igniting customers to loyal advocates, followers and fans!
You Can’t Buy Brand Advocates or Social Media Friends
The social media ecosystem over all is moving to pay to play. What this means is that brands and the marketing leaders within must not only purchase media that in the past use to be free, but that they must also know how to develop and execute an integrated program and strategy that organically attracts, inspires and engages community.
Customer Experience: The Future of Business & Marketing #AdobeSummit 2016 Recap
In March I spent almost a week with 10k digital marketers at the Adobe Summit event. 2016 was my 2nd year being paid as an Adobe Insider to cover the event.
How to Choose and Prioritize Social Media Business Goals and Objectives
Check out episode 203 of the Social Zoom Factor podcast for strategies, tips and a framework to help you not only set goals, but also achieve them. If it’s ROI you are looking for, then you want to listen to this episode!
let’s get social!