Your brand is the foundation and one of the most important aspects of your business. If you are a solo entrepreneur, small business, large, super size, B2B. B2C or anything in between. You only have one chance to make a first, second and third brand impression.
10 Tips to Zoom Your Social Media Branding
Experienced social media brand leaders are not afraid to try new things. They don’t let themselves get stuck in a box, while at the same time they balance the desire to chase shiny objects while staying focused where they know they can achieve the highest measurable business results.
10 Tips to Manage Your Online Brand Reputation
There is much confusion regarding online brand and reputation management. Some think it’s only for brands who get themselves in trouble and need to cover up the bad. Some think it’s public relations, while others think it’s just social media monitoring or some ninja SEO tricks.
Brand Strategy in a Nutshell – 5 Reasons to Invest in Branding Your Business
Your brand is the foundation and one of the most important aspects of your business. Doesn’t matter if you are a solo entrepreneur, small business, large, super size, business to business, business to consumer or anything in between. You only have one chance to make a first, second and third brand impression.
25 Ways Social Media is Killing Your Brand and You Don’t Know it!
Every smart marketer wants their brand to be relevant, memorable, inspiring and positive in the mind of their audience, ideal customer and online community. What many marketers don’t know is that the little things they are doing online every day could be hurting their brand more than helping.
Your Product Is Marketing – #AdobeSummit Inspirations Day 1
Attention is the most scarce resource in business. Earning the attention of your customers, audience and community is one of the greatest challenges for marketers in businesses big and small
10 Google Analytics Metrics to Zoom Your Content and Social Media Marketing
Would you like to better convert traffic to your blog or website to a real sale? Do you wish you knew more about your customer? Wish you knew what content is truly engaging your audience? How about the top traffic sources to your blog or website?
Many marketers stay far away from analytics data and measurement as they think it’s too complicated. The truth is that understanding analytics measurement systems doesn’t require a math or analytics degree.
Are You Creating, Curating or Regurgitating Content?
The challenge can be overwhelming for marketers to consistently create content that is fresh, relevant and provides real value to their audience, customers, and prospective customers.
Because of this pressure, unfortunately many marketers fall to lazy marketing tactics.
Talk Human to Me: 20 Tips to Humanize Your Brand
Humanizing your brand is a requirement, not an option if you want to be in business 3 years from now. Yes, you can put brand humanization on hold. However, every day you lose is a day you could be building relationships, nurturing friendships, establishing and earning the respect of powerful brand evangelists who will shout from a mountain top how wonderful you and your brand are.
You Can’t Fake Relevance in Social Media, Business and Life
You can not fake being relevant. You can not fake earning trust. You certainly can’t fake a relationship that has depth.
10 Tips to Refocus Your Social Marketing and Business on the Needs of Your Customer
According to Google, the average consumer researches 10.4 sources before making a purchase decision? This includes researching content via the web, social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn as well as talking to trusted colleagues, friends and family.
065: Stop Listening to Social Media Gurus and Build Your Own Plan!
There is not a shortage of social media self proclaimed gurus and experts willing to tell you exactly what you should do to achieve results in business using social media.
062: Increase Social Media Conversions With Trust & Relationships, Not Spam
Spamming and over self promotion will hurt your brand more than help it. These behaviors may be pushing people away from you and your brand vs attracting them and inspiring them to have a relationship with you.
060: 10 Tips to Stop Selling and Start Providing Value via Social Media
There is not a day I don’t wake up that my social media stream and email inboxes are not filled with spam and self promotional garbage from people I don’t know trying to sell me their goods. Everything from Twitter direct messages, public spammy tweets, to LinkedIn spam messages and the list goes on. Whatever…
53: Want Social Media ROI? Quit Being Lazy!
It’s human nature to want to blame a “thing” on the lack of a result. It’s easy to blame Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn for the problems you have in your business.
let’s get social!