Many marketers get overwhelmed with trying to understand how they can leverage data and metrics to guide their business in the right direction. As a result they run away from data and the power it can provide versus digging in and learning how to tap into the power of what it has to offer.
Stomp Fear of Social Media & Adopting New Social Networks
Use these 10 tips to gain confidence in using social media, develop a plan for learning and know how to prioritize your time spent learning and engaging.
How to Use @Triberr to Amplify Content, Earn Trust and Grow Social Media Community
Triberr is a platform that brings together smart, savvy and talented content producers. From bloggers, podcasters, video stars to lovers of technology, food, business, horses and cars. It’s a mini social network that helps content creators amplify their content, earn trust, establish thought leadership, find new bloggers and build community.
Stop Filling Space. Be the Value Not the Noise
It’s a myth that marketers have created for themselves believing they need to create more noise to justify their job, be heard or whatever the excuse may be.
Social Marketers, It’s Time to Put Down the Megaphone and Serve Value
Attention is the most scarce resource for digital marketing leaders in businesses of all sizes. The world is filled with media. Everywhere we turn, look, see and hear there is a brand or person trying to grab our attention.
Even smart, social, savvy digital and social marketers are finding it difficult to stay front of mind for their customers, audience and community.
Brands Not Using Social Media Create Communication Language Barriers with Customers
Thanks to digital marketing and social media, one single human being can have as much and often times more impact than a large Fortune 100 brand. Even some of the world’s largest brands are turning to individual influencers, bloggers, podcasters, videographers and more to tap into their trust, credibility and community they have fostered.
Digital & Social Marketers Must Learn to Lead & Say No!
Are you a digital marketing leader struggling with not enough time, budget or people to help you implement your program and kick butt in the world of social and digital marketing?
10 Business Reasons Digital Marketers Must Embrace Data and Analytics
Many digital and social marketers shy away from data and analytics. Foolish marketers fear data and analytics as if it’s the dark side of marketing and that they will get drawn into week long meetings discussing menial metrics and data algorithms. This couldn’t be further from the truth.
YOU are the Media! 10 Reasons You Need a Blog!
Thanks to digital marketing and social media, one single human being can have as much and often times more impact than a large Fortune 100 brand. Even some of the world’s largest brands are turning to individual influencers, bloggers, podcasters, videographers and more to tap into their trust, credibility and community they have fostered.
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