Are you building a social media community built upon trust, meaningful relationships and value? Or are you building a self serving empire?
061: People Don’t Just Buy Things, They Join Things!
People want to be part of something bigger than what they can be by themselves. They want to not just buy something, but join something.
51: 25 Content Marketing Ideas to Stomp Writers Block
Ever feel like banging your head against the wall trying to think of ideas for your content marketing efforts? If yes, you are not alone.
050: Content Marketing in a Nutshell
Content is simply how we communicate, help, and share information with a goal to inspire, engage and activate our audiences and communities to a desired action.
044: Tapping into the Power of the OPC – Other People’s Community and Content
Ever heard of the OPC? Note, it’s not to be confused with the song, OPP, even though if you have ever attended one of my workshops you have likely not only heard the song but danced to it! The OPC = other people’s content and other people’s community.
030: Content Marketing: Zoom Results by Leveraging What You Already Have!
Do you wish the magical content marketing fairy would fly into your office and help you create the most amazing content that energizes and inspires your social communities, audience, customers, stakeholders and friends?
027: You Do Not Own Your Audience!
Can an audience or a community be owned? What does it mean to be owned? You have invested time and resource into building and nurturing your social community. Do you think you have a right to control them?
026: 50 Ways to Energize and Inspire Your Social Media Communities
Are you energizing and breathing life into your online communities or are you zapping their energy?
Social Media Communities: How to Build, Nurture, Grow & Sustain
How do you leverage social media to build, nurture, grow and sustain meaningful, connected and powerful communities?
The truth is it takes time, patience and an investment in people as human beings, not just dollars. It requires as much art as it does science.
Brand Humanization: Social Media Authenticity vs Transparency
Learning the difference between authenticity and transparency is key to building relationships and earning trust via social media marketing.
let’s get social!